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In the spring of 2019, R2B set out to answer this guiding question:
How might we use our resources to create the biggest impact on the social and emotional well-being of our youth?
In order to start answering this question, R2B conducted qualitative research with leaders and organizations in the fields of social and emotional education and mental health by interviewing 13 organizations over a period of 3 months.
From these interviews, we were able to identify the following 7 key insights. (Note: We use the word "teacher" to be inclusive of both classroom educators and at-home parents/caregivers.)
What do we mean by “room to breathe”?Unrestricted Funding Strategic support Connection to best practices and networks
What do we mean by "knowledge"?"Research around mental health needs and treatment/prevention or promotion strategies Skills in how to identify mental health needs in yourself or someone else Skills in sharing knowledge about mental health so as to reduce the stigma around it
What do we mean by "practices"?"Habits (i.e., a daily gratitude practice) Skills (i.e., how to manage one’s emotions) Mindsets (i.e., reorienting toward the positive)
What do we mean by grow their SEWB?Again...because SEWB lives on a spectrum...mitigating the bad AND growing the good [[ insert SEWB image ]]
For more info on our research process and which organizations we talked to download this deck.
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