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Ready to discover your well-being practice?

What is the EWBSI?

The objective of the Educator Well-Being Stipend Initiative (EWBSI) is to empower educators to attend to their own personal well-being so that they are best positioned to model well-being for young people and positively contribute to a culture of well-being within the school.

The EWBSI does this this by providing every adult on campus (both certificated and classified staff) a stipend to use toward a well-being practice of their choice for the duration of one school year.

We believe that when adults thrive, students thrive.


We also believe that each person’s well-being is an individual journey. No two journeys will look exactly alike.


Finally, we believe that our journeys are best supported by a community that values and prioritizes well-being.

We believe...

Hear from two participants about their experience with the EWBSI:

What is well-being?

R2B references the field of positive psychology's well-being theory (called PERMA) to define what it means to be well. PERMA suggests that individuals will flourish by increasing Positive emotion, Engagement, positive Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishment. R2B has also added Somatics to this well-being theory because we believe that our body (how we use it, what we put into it, how we care for it) is essential to our well-being.

Think about how PERMAS shows up in your life when taking action to improve your well-being.

Ready to discover your well-being practice?

Menu of Recommended Well-Being Practices

The menu we provide is a guide, not an instructional manual. Use it to inspire new ideas, and please feel free to do your own research on programs/practices you could use your well-being stipend toward.

The best two questions to ask yourself when selecting a program/practice are:

1) Is this program/practice aligned to my well-being intention? (You will set a well-being intention for yourself in a quiz at the beginning of each semester.)

2) Do I think that this program/practice will help me to form new positive well-being habits?


If the answer to both of those two questions is YES, you've set yourself up well for a semester's worth of well-being experimentation. You may notice that some suggestions on our menu are slightly above or below the stipend amount. We did our best to find options that are affordable and sustainable. If there is an option you'd like to participate in that is above the amount of the stipend, this would require you to cover the difference in cost.

Ready to discover your well-being practice?

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